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Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Ways to Ignite Your Progress Towards Your Goals

You need an effective road map, winning strategies, and relentless commitment to achieve your most valued goals. These ingredients are the recipe for consistent progress towards your goals. They aren’t enough though.
You still need to take action every day. You need to take massive action. Not once in a while action. Not when you feel like it action. Fear of failure, lack of motivation, and procrastination are always plotting to keep you from taking important action.
Here are 6 ways to combat those forces and jumpstart your progress:

1. Just get started

Don’t overthink it. Don’t create the perfect plan. Don’t worry about every obstacle you may face. These actions add friction that keeps you from taking action.
Eliminate the mental barriers and limiting beliefs that slow you down. Cultivate habits that make it easier for you to start moving towards your dreams. You can set weekly goals that are based on effort instead of outcome.
For instance, you can set the goal of working ten hours per week rather than targeting specific results. This is an incentive to take action. Being attached to the results early on can paralyze you into inaction.
Build the habit of taking action regardless of how you feel (especially when you’re uncertain, uncomfortable, and insecure). You’ll learn and adjust along the way. The most effective strategies and paths will only reveal themselves after you’ve gained enough experience through trial and experimentation.
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” – Tony Robbins

2. Set bigger goals

If you have a burning desire to achieve your goals, you don’t need motivation. You’re driven by how much you want it. Taking action comes naturally and effortlessly. You’re singularly focused on finding the best way to get there.
Elon Musk doesn’t have to drag himself into work every morning. His goals are so compelling that he doesn’t need to search for willpower or motivation. He doesn’t need to google inspiring quotes to get himself going.
If your goals are average, your effort will be mediocre. You will have to strain your way towards your goals. If you’re procrastinating and putting up a lackluster effort, the problem may just be that you don’t care enough about the goals you’re pursuing.
This leads to uninspired action. There’s a simple solution to turn this around. Set goals that fuel and excite you.

3. Know your why

Do you know why you’re pursuing your specific goals? If your answer is no, take a step back to get crystal clear on your motivations. You may realize that you’re going full speed ahead towards the wrong things. If you make massive progress but reach the wrong destination, you’ll feel like you wasted your time instead of being happy about achieving your goal.
If you find that you’re currently on the wrong path, that’s okay. Use this as an opportunity to redirect your efforts towards goals you’re passionate about. Use it to discover meaningful goals in your life. Be grateful that you gained clarity that led you to recalibrate your target.
Once your goals are aligned with your values and priorities, you’ll pursue them with more determination and commitment. The why provides the fuel that supercharges your progress.

4. Celebrate small wins

On the road to success, you’ll experience many setbacks and failures. There will always be another problem to solve. You’ll be stressed and anxious at times. You’ll wonder whether you’re working on the right things at the right doses.
The prescription for these worries is to celebrate the small wins. Break down the goal into many small milestones and congratulate yourself each time you reach one. High five yourself for your effort and dedication.
As you build the habit of celebrating small wins, you shift more of your focus towards the next challenge instead of being concerned about the next ten challenges. Your belief in your ability to succeed is strengthened when you see and recognize the progress you’ve made.

5. Build good habits

Ride the wave of motivation as often as you can. You can’t rely on it though. You can’t schedule motivation on your calendar. You can’t predict how long it will last.
You can’t just rely on willpower either. It diminishes as you make more decisions and tax your cognitive abilities. When your tank of motivation and willpower is empty, habits save the day.
Habits allow you to perform tasks automatically and effortlessly, without using up your valuable brain power. Automate the repeatable activities. For examples, you can schedule when and where you’ll work on your goal.
Instead of making that decision every week, you can do the work at the same time and place each week. The more decisions you automate, the more mental energy you save for the most important activities (like finding creative solutions). Cultivate habits that lead to success.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

6. Plan for setbacks and failures

Many people have already achieved what you’re trying to do. This is great. You can use their experience to your advantage. Study their journey. Learn where they faced major obstacles. You can plan to face the same obstacles at similar stages in your journey. You can know what to expect.
The failures and setbacks will still suck. They’ll still be deflating. They won’t catch you by surprise though. You’ll be prepared for them. You’ll have time to find effective strategies to overcome the setbacks and keep pushing towards the finish line.
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5 Ways To Stay Motivated While Building Your Business On The Side

A common strategy for many aspiring entrepreneurs is to ease their way into it by building their business on the side while working a full-time job.
While this approach helps reduce the initial risk of diving head first into being your own boss, delaying the gratification of quitting your job to run your own business can take its toll on your motivation.
Here are 5 tips to keep your entrepreneur flame burning strong while working for someone else:

1. Keep it a secret

In theory, telling others about your plans to start your own business seems like a smart idea. Conventional wisdom says you’ll have others to hold you accountable. And it feels good to see people nod in excitement when they hear your plans.
But according to Peter Shallard, the shrink for entrepreneurs, telling other people about your big plans robs you of your motivation. You get all caught up in talking about your plans, instead of actually doing the work to bring your goals to life.
In addition, having people continually asking you about your progress can also zap your enthusiasm if you’re not progressing as quickly as they think you should be. Another consequence of spreading the word about your side business are the naysayers, people who will warn you about all the terrible things that could happen to you as a result of venturing out on your own.
Instead of running the risk of having other people rain on your parade, keep your plans to yourself. Make it your own little secret. Then use that private piece of information as fuel. For instance, every time you get frustrated with work, remind yourself that being there is temporary, because you have an exit plan.
It’ll help you pull through the tough days, and give you an extra dose of energy to make progress on your side business once you get home.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

2. Work on it a little every day

Progress is an extreme motivator. When you see how far you’ve gone from where you initially started, it gives you an extra boost to keep advancing toward your end goal. The best way to make progress is to do something every day.
As you work your day job, it may seem difficult to find the time to devote to your side business. So don’t leave making progress up to chance. Schedule appointments with yourself on your calendar. And make showing up for them non-negotiable.
Don’t worry if you don’t have large blocks of time to devote. Consistently spending thirty or even fifteen minutes a day to grow your business will bring you far more results than longer, sporadic blocks of time once every couple of weeks.
The daily progress will help you gain momentum, which will further drive you to keep going.

3. Celebrate small wins

Building a business is a major undertaking, and there are multiple milestones you’ll need to hit to make it thrive.
To help you stay motivated during the process, you should celebrate your small wins along the way. Little bonuses will help energize you to continue to take action.
The rewards don’t need to be elaborate or even cost any money. They just need to be meaningful enough to you to inspire you to keep going.

4. Set a departure date

When I worked my corporate job, I used to work with a man that was counting down the days until his retirement. When I first met him, he had 186 days left. And every couple of weeks he’d let me know what the new number was.
Eventually, he retired and took his wife on that cruise around the world he’d been planning. It was a major life event for him, and he was understandably excited about it, even though for a while it seemed far away.
Having a finite date of when his retirement was to begin gave him hope, and a very clear light at the end of a long tunnel. When it comes to keeping motivated while you build your business on the side, you need an absolute date too. It doesn’t matter if it’s six months or two years from now.
Besides, a specified departure date will make the dream of running your business full-time feel more tangible.

5. Write your resignation letter

One of the most exhilarating feelings is handing in your resignation letter to pursue your dream. But there’s no need to wait until you officially upgrade your status to a full-time entrepreneur to experience some of that thrill. You can write your letter now.
Put the date on it that you set in the previous tip. The euphoria of writing the words will help you better visualize yourself being in the moment where your dream is your reality. The desire to give the letter to your boss will help get you in gear to do the work to help you be ready when the time comes.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis
The journey to achieving your dream of running your own business full-time may seem long, but if you stay motivated and take consistent action, you will get there. And the sacrifices you make today to live your dream in the future will be worth it.
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7 Ways To Make Every Year Your Best Year Ever

Although we welcomed in the New Year not too long ago, right about now is when most people start experiencing a die-down of some of the mojo with which they embraced the New Year and find themselves slowly reverting back to their old ways and no longer as dedicated to their New Year’s resolutions.
With each New Year, we get caught up in trying to create perfection and delude ourselves into believing that we require the clean slate that a New Year presents to finally start making the most of ourselves and our lives while failing to realize that each new day we witness presents us with the opportunity to fully embrace life and do things differently.
Here are a few things we can do and habits we can embrace to make this and every year our best year ever:

1. Say “I do” to yourself

The words “I Do” symbolize commitment, convey promise and the willingness to do whatever it takes to uphold a vow.
Most of us have an easier time keeping promises and commitments we make to others while struggling to uphold those we make to ourselves. I guess the underlying reason behind this is because we don’t see ourselves as worthy of our goals and dreams.
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti

2. Be fearless for once

Fear keeps us paralyzed in life and will rob us of many wonderful opportunities if we aren’t careful.  We should be bold enough to acknowledge that we are afraid when faced by situations that intimidate us, courageously stare fear in its face and do whatever we have to do anyway.
Allow yourself to get out of your comfort zone today by doing at least one thing you have been putting off or avoiding because of your fears and limiting beliefs. You will never know what you are capable of and what life has in store for you as long as you keep giving fear power.
The more you allow yourself to confront fear, the more it will lose its hold in your life and the more you will find yourself willing to embrace things that once intimidated you with ease.

3. Do one thing for 21 days straight

It is believed that it takes 21 days to form a habit; the reasoning behind this being that the brain is extremely adaptive to repetitive behavior. Our habits define our character and say a lot about who we are more than our words ever could.
Challenge yourself to embrace a self-supporting habit you have been meaning to by committing to doing it for 21 days straight without fail or compromise. This could include working out, giving up junk food or social media, spending more time with your family, getting to work on time and so on.
The more self-disciplined and consistent you become in practicing this habit, the sooner you will realize just how easy forming self-supporting habits really is and will feel inspired to continue on down a path of self-improvement and empowerment and take on more healthy habits.

4. Learn how to say no

We are all guilty in one way or another of taking on and embracing commitments and engagements that use up our time, energy and resources and interfere with our personal obligations thereby making our wellbeing and aspirations less of a priority and leaving us with very little to dedicate to them.
Make a commitment to start setting up healthy boundaries, to stop taking on more than you can handle and to say no to things that distract you from your aspirations, zap your energy and leave you feeling depleted and aren’t self-supporting as far as your overall well being is concerned.

5. Stop making excuses

We all make them and unfortunately allow them to sabotage our efforts as far as pursuing our goals and aspirations are concerned. They can range anywhere from not having enough time, to conditions not being favorable enough to not having what it takes to make things happen. Whatever the case, they keep us stuck in life where action is required and leave us feeling defeated in the end.
Today, commit to starting where you are and with what you have. Time will never be perfect; the nature of life requires that we be able to flow with it regardless of circumstances and situations. As you allow yourself to embrace your pursuits, you will discover that life will support and accommodate you by bringing the right people and opportunities your way thereby making conditions favorable for you.
“Most people don’t have that willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses and they talk like victims.” – Carlos Santana

6Commit to following through

Following through on the promises we make to ourselves can sometimes be challenging because at times they require more from us than we are willing or prepared to give and force us to leave the safety of our comfort zones or embrace our fears.
Doing everything we set out to do builds both character and self-discipline, and allows others to view us as dependable and reliable. Following through includes not leaving any jobs half done, finishing everything we start and hanging in when obstacles and challenges tempt us to quit.

7. Say goodbye to the toxic people in your life

You’ve heard it before, “If they aren’t for you, they are against you.”
Take an inventory of every single person in your life and determine if they add value to your life, support and celebrate you, lift you up or do the exact opposite. It is said that we become like the people we associate with and are influenced by them in one way or another.
Let go of people who bring you down, cause you to doubt yourself and those who don’t support who you are or your dreams. Naysayers, haters and dream killers shouldn’t have a place in your life and will keep you from your destiny and dreams if you allow them to have any influence in it.
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5 Tips To Help Make The Move From Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur

You’re excited. You have finally came up with an idea that you know will crush it in its industry. The problem is, you’ve been here before.
More than once in fact. Ideas are not the problem for you. Where you struggle is taking the next step of turning that new idea into a viable business.
Does that sound familiar? If so, you may be what many in the entrepreneur space call a wantrepreneur. What’s a wantrepreneur? A wantrepreneur is simply a person who is going to start a business, but for some reason (or a list of reasons) never does, yet keeps talking about it.
If the definition of wantrepreneur matches what you have done in the past, don’t despair! There have been many people that have been able to make the move from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur. All you need is a little help to get you on the right track.
Here are 5 tips to help you make the move from wantrepreneur to an entrepreneur:

1. Don’t tell anyone about your ideas

You’re excited about your new attempt at creating a business. You want to tell the world what you’re going to do. Don’t. Chances are, people have heard all about your past ideas. You never took the steps to implement those ideas.
There will be plenty of time to talk about what you’re doing when you start finishing projects that move you closer to the goal of creating or improving your business. People will be impressed and excited about what you have accomplished and not what you discussed.
“I made a conscious decision not to tell anyone in my life. Now I tell people – don’t tell anyone your idea until you have invested enough of yourself in it that you are not going to turn back. When a person has an idea at that conception moment it is the most vulnerable – one negative comment could knock you off course.” – Sara Blakely

2. Get a written plan

You have all of your plans and ideas in your head. That’s not going to work if you are serious about starting a business.
Why isn’t it going to work? As the cliché goes “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Not taking the time to commit to a plan shows you are truly not invested in moving forward and are just interested in telling everyone what your plans are.
If you’re serious about starting and running a profitable business what is your plan to get there? Sit down and make a basic plan of what you need to accomplish. It doesn’t need to be a fifty-page manifesto with every detail decided. You should have the big goals written down and then how you think you are going to get it done.

3. Throw out that list of excuses

I don’t have the time. I’m still working for “the man”. I need capital to start. If you find yourself saying these types of things, but are not working in the search for solutions, then you should stop now. Why?
Because issues will continue to arise while running your business. So, if you are going to let time management, another job, or lack of capital stop you, then you don’t want it bad enough. If you wish to be an entrepreneur, then figure out solutions to your issues and then carry out those solutions to keep moving forward.

4. Do the work

Your business is not going to build itself. Now is the time to overcome the excuses and obstacles that are in your way and put your plan into action and do the work. There isn’t anything else that will make your ideas a reality.
“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.” – Vincent Van Gogh

5. Finish what you started

Ultimately being an entrepreneur is about creating a business while taking on the risks associated with starting and building that business. For you to become an entrepreneur, you need to finish and build that business you thought about, planned, and silenced the excuses.
As you can see, the actions you take and complete are what move you forward when building a business thus making you an entrepreneur. Consider these five tips and put them into action. They will move you in the right direction!
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5 Powerful Steps To Learn Anything Faster

Put an average joe next to someone of success, and you’ll find that the latter had more knowledge to get to where they are today.
While there’s only so much time in the day to learn new skills, you can accelerate how fast you learn something. Whether you want to learn a new language, real estate, or how to start a business, the person who can learn faster will always have the upper hand in life.
Here are 5 powerful steps to learn anything faster:

1. Method beats hours

When it comes to learning something new, the method will always beat the number of hours you put into something. This isn’t to say that the number of hours isn’t important, but you should choose which method will give you the best results.
For example, let’s say two people were driving from Boston to New York City. It doesn’t matter how skilled or committed the first driver is. If he’s driving a beat up pickup truck, and the second driver has a Ferrari, the first driver will lose.
Your method is the vehicle that will become the engine of where you want to go. With anything you want to learn, there will be dozens of available methods to follow, and “experts” to learn from. This means that you want to spend a lot of time understanding who you’re learning from, what credibility they have, and how it fits with your learning style.
“Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations.” —Tim O’Reilly

2. Apply the 80/20 rule

As a reader of Addicted2Success, you’ve probably heard of Pareto’s Law. It was a concept developed by an Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, which explains that 80% of your desired outputs will come from only 20% of your inputs.
5 Powerful Steps To Learn Anything Faster
While the exact ratio varies from situation to situation, you’ll find that:
  • 20% of people in your life will lead to 80% of your happiness
  • 20% of your customers will drive 80% of your sales
  • 20% of your learning methods will lead to 80% of your results
When it comes to learning, it feels like there’s so much we don’t know, so it’s easy to jump around everywhere. This will only lead to wasted time. What you want to do is focus on the one or two things that will drive the needle for what you want to achieve, and double down on them.
For example, if you’re learning Spanish to travel this summer, instead of learning how to write or read, you should learn how to speak Spanish. Or instead of trying to please a dissatisfied customer that’s only paying you $37/month, you should add 10x more value to a customer that’s paying you $1,000/month.

3. Learn by doing

Immersion is by far the best way to learn anything. And as research shows, it turns out that humans retain:
  • 5% of what they learn when they’ve learned from a lecture.
  • 10% of what they learn when they’ve learned from reading.
  • 20% of what they learn from audio-visual.
  • 30% of what they learn when they see a demonstration.
  • 50% of what they learn when engaged in a group discussion.
  • 75% of what they learn when they practice what they learned.
  • 90% of what they learn when they use immediately.
Think back to how you learned to play basketball, ride a bicycle, or swim. Instead of watching tutorial videos or reading a textbook on how to do something, the way to learn faster is to get into the trenches and gain experience through mistakes.

4. Find a coach

From business titans to professional athletes, the people performing at the highest level all have one thing in common. They have a coach.
According to best-selling author, Seth Godin, there are five reasons you might quit in anything you do:
  1. You run out of time (and quit)
  2. You run out of money (and quit)
  3. You get scared (and quit)
  4. You’re not serious about it (and quit)
  5. You lose interest (and quit)
Having a coach allows you to see the blind spots that you couldn’t see before, and guide you through the tough times that inevitably comes when you’re learning anything new.
5 Powerful Steps To Learn Anything Faster
A coach doesn’t have to cost $1M a year, like what Tony Robbins charges, or even $1,000. If you’re trying to learn a language, you could have a language coach you work with. If you’re trying to learn an instrument, it could be finding a private teacher to help you.
The point is, you’re not going at it alone. And having someone that’s keeping you accountable can take you miles further than doing everything yourself.

5. Process over performance

Doing the work is often the hardest thing for most people. A common mistake people make when they’re learning something new is to focus on performance over process. It’s hard to see any consistent results until you have put in a significant amount of work upfront.
For writers, this is sitting down and writing 500-words a day, no matter how bad it may turn out. For athletes, this is waking up every morning and training, no matter how groggy and sore you feel. For language learners, it’s forcing yourself to speak the language everyday, no matter how many mistakes you make or how uncomfortable you may feel.
“Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.” — Woody Allen
Taking small steps may not sound sexy, but it has been the proven path to follow for anything you’ll want to achieve in your life and business.
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3 Ways You Can Make Your Competition Work For You

In business, it is widely believed that your competitors are to be treated as the enemy. This may be the case for veteran players, battling for dominance in their marketplace, but what are the rules for those just getting their start?
As a newbie in any field, it may not be advantageous to your progress or reputation, to try and go after the top dog. A yellow belt in karate wouldn’t have much luck defeating a black belt in a sparring match, or get very far by taking them on every day. However, that same yellow belt could learn to defeat other yellow belts, increasing themselves in rank, if he chose instead to learn from the black belt.
What is true in martial arts is also the same in business. As a newbie, treating your competition as mentors, can accelerate your growth and success exponentially, and even generate income at the same time. Some of the most enlightening experiences of my lifetime, have been from working for those who were positioned where I had aspired to be. I like to call it, paid training, and you can’t beat that.
Here are 3 reasons why beginners should work with, instead of against, their competitors:


The reason why is because who they are. Your competitors. What qualifies another as a competitor? The fact that you consider them a challenge to your success and/or business, demonstrates their ability and skill to drive revenue away from you. Otherwise you wouldn’t consider them as competition.
When starting out, recognizing those who have already done it, and are doing it well, is the first step to mastering success. The big competitors have already put in the time, money and effort to get where they are today. Your ability to recognize that and learn from their past mistakes can save you from the wasted time, money and humiliation they once suffered.
When setting your course for success, wouldn’t it make sense to learn from someone who has already made the trip, and charted the map? Accept their guidance. They have uncovered lessons that can save you from making the mistakes that could halt or hinder your success
“You must learn the mistakes of others. You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all yourself” – Sam Levenson

2. Leverage

The word leverage is derived from the word levier, which means to lift or to advance; to give a minimum input that attains maximum results. It is the ability to gain more with less resources, and it can be used to accelerate your success as well. Imagine trying to remove a flat tire without a tire rod.
The experience would be strenuous, if not grueling. This scenario is not far off from the true difficulty you will face if you are unable to learn how to use competitor leverage to your advantage. Using your competitors prestige and experience alongside your vision and sweat equity, can push your dreams into reality. This is probably one of the most surefire ways to 10X your results in any field.

3. Reciprocity

In any line of work, you should always do and give more than what is expected. This is especially true when developing relationships with those in your marketplace. While you would obviously refrain from giving away or up anything that could be leveraged against you, contributing time and effort to others’ needs, opens you to reciprocation.
Doing big favors for big players can open you up to huge opportunities in the future. And while the main focus here has been on big competitors, the same courtesy should be given to those who are just starting out as well. Helping others will open you up to future partnerships and business relations with those who could one day too make it in your marketplace.
“The truly gifted negotiator, then, is one whose initial position is exaggerated enough to allow for a series of concessions that will yield a desirable final offer from the opponent.” – Robert B. Cialdini
When starting out, you need to be smart about what actions you take. Will you take the difficult path and fight the tide? Or will you learn to swim with the current and use it to take you to your goals?
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Want to Stop Being Angry? Stop Doing These 5 Things

I spent a lot of my life being angry, particularly being pissed off thinking about how my wrongdoers and bullies got away with it.
It was tough. Dealing with anger can be a harrowing experience for sure.
But I made a commitment to change of late.
I did a lot of research and even interviewed experts and influencers across the personal development industry.
You’ll be surprised how we’re constantly misleading ourselves back to anger without knowing it.
To deal with anger, we need to make a shift in perspective. It may sound unconventional at first, but it works.

1. Stop thinking the world should work the way you think it should

We get angry when we feel people should be nice or act a certain, logical manner.
We also get angry when we think we should have gotten over it by now.
But that’s the problem.
We need to get rid of our SHOULD rules.
Our mind says one thing, but reality always says otherwise.
Things will go wrong. Life will continue to be unfair and disobey you. As daunting as that sounds, you need to eliminate your SHOULD rules so you can loosen the grip you have on life.

2. Stop thinking that anger is a bad thing

Surprise! Anger isn’t a bad thing.
Anger is a good source of energy as a force for positive change. Rosa Parks, Ghandi and Martin Luthor King used it.
But yes, anger cannot sustain you. That is why you need to live life and harness other emotions.
This is a foundation you need to set for yourself to alleviate the undesirable feelings anger brings.
To know that anger isn’t a bad thing is to know that there’s nothing wrong with you, that you’re not a monster, that you’ve a disease or that you’re “messed up.”
So take solace in this. Anger is good. Let that be with your fuel to push you in a positive direction.

3. Stop managing your anger

Look, anger management doesn’t work. Surprised? Google it yourself then.
Anger management only serves to repress the feeling and bottle up your anger. That is effectively sweeping your problems under the rug.
No, you’ve to find the root cause of your anger. Anger is after all, a secondary emotion, not primary.
For me personally, I realized one root cause of my anger was fear, that I’d actually lose in a fight one day if it came to it, thus making me think that I’m not a real man.
I had to get honest with myself. I had to deal with it by asking the right questions and then applying realistic ways to stay calm and positive.
So what is it for you? Guilt? Fear? Sadness? Rejection?
Start being honest with yourself. Start asking the right and bigger questions. It will be scary, but you’ve to go through with it.

buddha holding onto anger

4. Stop reacting

Check out this powerful quote by Thich Nhat Hanh:
” If you get angry easily, it may be because the seed of anger in you has been watered frequently over many years, and unfortunately you’ve allowed it or even encouraged it to be watered.”
Yes, you may be angry today because you’ve watered the seed too much.
Anger, when used too much, can be a habit, and even an addiction.
That is why you need to stop reacting angrily to some negative thought or person.
No, I don’t even think injecting a positive thought in your head will help. That is a form of reaction that’s still acknowledging the anger and giving it power.
Stop reacting. Let it pass instead. Don’t give it any kind of power.
Why do you think people like to say that ignorance is bliss?

5. Stop taking the easy way out

You know what’s easy?
Getting angry and breaking things around the house, screaming at somebody, punching the wall or generally doing anything stupid.
You know what’s not easy?
Staying calm at the heat of the moment, walking away from a fight and ultimately becoming the master of your own emotions.
I get it man. Anger is tough. It’s frustrating, stressful and downright crappy.
But that’s the entire point.
If you want to see real results, you need to take on the challenge and embrace the struggle head on. You can’t cower down and take the easy route.
So go for it. Even if it doesn’t feel great, know that it’s perfectly normal. Work hard, feel the heat and don’t give up.
You can be the master of your emotions one day.
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